How to Nurture your Gifted Child

How to Nurture your Gifted Child

Giftedness in children is usually designated when intelligence tests indicate that a child is rating above 140 in I.Q. These children generally show high levels of curiosity about the world and how it works, may always be asking questions, and may spend a great deal...
Tips for Parents of a Child with Dyslexia

Tips for Parents of a Child with Dyslexia

Dyslexia Needs Prompt Identification An inherited disability that causes children difficulty learning to spell, read, and plan effectively, Dyslexia should be diagnosed as soon as possible. If it is not, those who have it will fall behind in developing vocabulary...
The Value of Hiring a Parenting Coach

The Value of Hiring a Parenting Coach

Many parents are typically overwhelmed and get stressed whenever their kids act rude, aggressively, or throws tantrums, whether they are at home or outside. This is because parents don’t have a solution for the child’s behavior. Most times, the parents may...
Raising a Strong-Willed Child

Raising a Strong-Willed Child

Before you became a parent, you might have imagined many things about your future child. You likely knew that they would be smart, kind, and capable of achieving their dreams. Yet, you might not have bargained for a child whose will is so strong that they border on...
The Psychological Benefits of Physical Touch in Early Life

The Psychological Benefits of Physical Touch in Early Life

In the past, a newborn baby would be removed from his or her parents and taken directly to the nursery to be cleaned, weighed, monitored, poked, and prodded. As it turns out, advances in modern medicine are returning to a more natural approach for good reason. Doctors...