The Best Podcasts For Parents in 2022

The Best Podcasts For Parents in 2022

Raising a family is hard work. Whether you're a stay-at-home parent or are working full time, you'll be hard-pressed to find downtime to relax, and you're probably going to make mistakes. A great way to spend some of your parenting time and learn more about raising a...

Tips For Raising A Child With ADHD

Tips For Raising A Child With ADHD

While ADHD is believed to be inherited, effective management of the disorder can help prevent it from worsening and developing into more serious problems. Early intervention is also important to help prevent kids from falling behind in school and dealing with social...

Tips for Parenting a Child With ODD

Tips for Parenting a Child With ODD

When it comes to parenting a child with ODD, it is essential to be patient and understanding. Remember, this is not your typical child and will not respond to parenting in the same way as other children. What is ODD? ODD is a disorder that affects how a child behaves,...

How Do Children Learn Through Play?

How Do Children Learn Through Play?

Children learn through play. Play is one of how children acquire knowledge and skills. They use their five senses to explore surroundings, experiment with new things, venture into social situations and interact with each other and their environment. So what are some...

How to Nurture your Gifted Child

How to Nurture your Gifted Child

Giftedness in children is usually designated when intelligence tests indicate that a child is rating above 140 in I.Q. These children generally show high levels of curiosity about the world and how it works, may always be asking questions, and may spend a great deal...

Tips for Parents of a Child with Dyslexia

Tips for Parents of a Child with Dyslexia

Dyslexia Needs Prompt Identification An inherited disability that causes children difficulty learning to spell, read, and plan effectively, Dyslexia should be diagnosed as soon as possible. If it is not, those who have it will fall behind in developing vocabulary...

How to Parent Through a Divorce

How to Parent Through a Divorce

Divorce is a difficult and life-changing event that can affect your entire family. Whether you are a parent or not, it can be hard to know how to deal with the aftermath of this situation. To make sure everyone in your family can heal from this as quickly as possible,...